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Selasa, 25 Desember 2012


It is an utter crime how this movie flopped at the box office. To be honest I had no idea what to expect when I entered the theater to see this movie. Initially i wanted to go see "Looper" but for some reason at the time I was in the mood for something less cerebral, so me and my buddy chose to see Dredd 3D after a class mate told me to check it out and that it was phenomenal. So before entering the theater me and my friend smoked a huge joint and grabbed our 3D glasses. My God, I was completely blown away! I was so blown away that I went to see it again immediately the next day, sober, just to be sure that I wasn't imagining the greatness and I am proud to say that I wasn't. This film was still a masterpiece even in my sober state (although the trippy Slo-mo drug scenes weren't nearly as long as I thought they were! Ha ha!).

You can tell the director of this film really cared about the project. I felt his heart and soul within every composition and frame. Before this film I use to be anti-3D but after I saw this, it completely changed the game for me, yes even more than "avatar" did. This was the first time I felt that the only way to experience this film was in 3d. even though this film failed at the box office, i feel as if i was part of something special because i was one of the few who saw it in 3d at the theaters. All those people who are going to rent it or buy it on DVD/blu ray will be missing half the experience in my opinion. Too bad for you guys!! And if there ever was a movie that would consider me to covert my home theater into 3d, it is this one.

The way the film makers utilized slow motion was the best I have ever seen since the "Matrix", maybe even better. Lately I've hated the way recent films have used slow mo, just for the sake of it (Sherlock Holmes) but Dredd actually uses it to engross the audience further into the story. I loved the way the cinematography switched up during these scenes, making the drug scenes feel surreal and beautiful at the same time. That, accompanied with the amazing score, really made me feel like i was on a wild thrill ride. I haven't had this much fun at the movies in a while. This year has been a great year for movies. i loved "Prometheus", "Dark Knight Rises" and "Avengers" and even "Looper" but Dredd was the most fun and mind blowing of them all, despite it's simple down to earth story line. In fact I think it was the simplicity of the story that made it so great. It didn't try to have Dredd save the damn world. it was literally like watching John McClane in "Die Hard." It was all about survival!!

Karl Urban was great as Dredd. He really knew how to internalize all the angry emotions of the character and I commend his performance especially since we never got to see his eyes. He always retained a calm but ruthless demeanor. Lena Headey was chilling as Ma-Ma, I'm glad to see her still getting work after her underrated and beloved performance as Sarah Connor in the Terminator TV series (if you haven't seen that show, check it out, you won't regret it!). Olivia Thirlby did a decent job playing the rookie/dredd's side kick. At first I thought she was too young for the role but her character contrasted well with Dredd's character. At times I thought the made her appearance too pretty but she carried the role good enough to make me overlook that.

If you like films such as "Die Hard, Robocop, The Crow, or Darkman" YOU HAVE TO CHECK THIS FILM OUT!! It's a true action film masterpiece that put's the Expendables to sleep! This is easily one of the best R rated films to come out in a long time. These days everything is PG-13 just so the studio can sell more tickets and it was like a breathe of fresh air to see all the action and gore done in a way that wasn't gratuitous but servicing to the story and suspenseful atmosphere the film was trying to create for the viewer. I haven't seen violence in an action film done this well since the 80's. Everything about this film is fresh and exciting. The only thing that I can nit pick about was some of the supporting characters (Ma-Ma's henchmen) acting was bit forced but what do you expect from a low budget film? This film is one of the best-low budget films ever made and proof that you don't need hundred's of millions to deliver the goods. i think the reason why people didn't check this out was because folks thought it was a remake of the the Stallone film. My god, how they were wrong! TOO BAD FOR THEM!! Even though in my opinion I feel that a non 3D version of this film won't be as good as the 3D one I'd still recommend it to anyone, whether 3D or 2D. I'm definitely purchasing this when it comes out!

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